Event Sponsors
Venue: The National Museum of Women in the Arts
Planning/Design: Cherry Blossom Weddings
Planning/Design: A. Griffin Events
Catering: Well Dunn Catering
AR Experience: ImmersLabs
Photography: Renee Hollingshead Photography
Cinema and Content Creation: Harrison Films
Floral: Floret and Vine
Paper: Oh Eleven Studio
Draping: Fabrication Events
Specialty Rentals and Decor: Revolution Event Design and Production
Entertainment: Lucy Black Entertainment
Performance Art: Skylark Creative Group
Lighting: Frost DC Event Lighting and Production
Rentals: Table Manners DC
Valet: MJ Valet
HMUA: Amie Decker Beauty
Ice Sculpting: Ice Lab USA
Instagram Tags @nmwaspecialevents @cherryblossomeventsdc @agriffinevents @welldunncatering @reneehphoto @harrisonfilms @floretandvine @ohelevenstudio @fabeventsdc @reveventpro @lucyblackent @frostlightingdc @skylarkcreativegrp @tablemannersdc @immerslabs @mjvalet1 @amiedeckerbeauty @icelabusa